Sunday, December 31, 2006

new year's eve

well. i think the whole new years day celebration is pretty lame. years come and go and really, there's no point in staying up and celebrating and counting down to tomorrow. i remember the only time i was really like anxiously waiting for the new year was in the year 2000 with all the y2k bug and everything.

yet, i admit, i like to stay up every year till, twelve midnight, and wish a few people. well. because the new year does mean that the slate is wiped clean and you have a brand new year ahead of you to do whatever that is you want to. in that way, it is pretty significant. well. it does seem rather contradictory but oh well. i am rather contradictory.

oh yea. that thing directly below, its for a limited time only because i'm starting to spot a lot of flaws in it. maybe until tomorrow. haha. happy new year everyone! i hope you will be able to achieve everything that you set out to do. whee.

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